
Welcome to the DBMS MCQs Page

Dive deep into the fascinating world of DBMS with our comprehensive set of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs). This page is dedicated to exploring the fundamental concepts and intricacies of DBMS, a crucial aspect of UGC CBSE NET Exam. In this section, you will encounter a diverse range of MCQs that cover various aspects of DBMS, from the basic principles to advanced topics. Each question is thoughtfully crafted to challenge your knowledge and deepen your understanding of this critical subcategory within UGC CBSE NET Exam.


Check out the MCQs below to embark on an enriching journey through DBMS. Test your knowledge, expand your horizons, and solidify your grasp on this vital area of UGC CBSE NET Exam.

Note: Each MCQ comes with multiple answer choices. Select the most appropriate option and test your understanding of DBMS. You can click on an option to test your knowledge before viewing the solution for a MCQ. Happy learning!

DBMS MCQs | Page 22 of 23

Consider a relation book (title, price) which contains the titles and prices of different books. Assuming that no two books have the same price, what does the following SQL query list?
Select title
from book as B
where (select count (*)
             from book as T
             where T.price > B.price) < 7
Answer: (c).Titles of the seven most expensive books.
In a Hierachical database, a hashing function is used to locate the .................
Answer: (b).Root
Relations produced from E - R Model will always be in ..............
Answer: (c).3 NF
Consider the following schedules involving two transactions.

S1 : r1(X) ; r1(Y) ; r2(X) ; r2(Y) ; w2(Y) ; w1(X)
S2 : r1(X) ; r2(X) ; r2(Y) ; w2(Y) ; r1(Y) ; w1(X)

Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to above?
Answer: (d).S1 is not conflict serializable and S2 is conflict serializable.
For a database relation R(a, b, c, d) where the domains of a, b, c and d include only atomic values, and only the following functional dependencies and those that can be inferred from them hold:

a → c
b → d

The relation is in ...............
Answer: (a).First normal form but not in second normal form
A many-to-one relationship exists between entity sets r1 and r2. How will it be represented using functional depedencies if Pk(r) denotes the primary key attribute of relation r?
Answer: (a).Pk(r1) → Pk(r2)
Database systems that store each relation in a separate operating system file may use the operating system’s authorization scheme, instead of defining a special scheme themselves. In this case, which of the following is false?
Answer: (a).The administrator enjoys more control on the grant option.
Let R1(a, b, c) and R2(x, y, z) be two relations in which a is the foreign key of R1 that refers to the primary key of R2. Consider following four options.

(a) Insert into R1 (b) Insert into R2
(c) Delete from R1 (d) Delete from R2

Which of the following is correct about the referential integrity constraint with respect to above?
Answer: (d).Operations (d) and (a) will cause violation.
Consider a hash table of size seven, with starting index zero, and a hash function (7x+3) mod 4. Assuming the hash table is initially empty, which of the following is the contents of the table when the sequence 1, 3, 8, 10 is inserted into the table using closed hashing? Here “__” denotes an empty location in the table.
Answer: (a).3, 10, 1, 8, __, __, __
Which of the following is/are true with reference to 'view' in DBMS?

(a) A 'view' is a special stored procedure executed when certain event occurs.
(b) A 'view' is a virtual table, which occurs after executing a pre-compiled query.
Answer: (b).Only (b) is true

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