

What is the main goal of the organizational process definition process area in the defined process level of CMM?


To develop and maintain a set of software process assets such as process elements, life cycle models, and guidelines for tailoring a process model.


To establish and maintain a quantitative understanding of the performance of the set of standard processes.


To set performance goals, measure process performance, analyze these measurements, and make the appropriate adjustments to the process in order to bring it in line with the defined limits.


To develop and maintain a set of training programs to develop the necessary skills and knowledge of individuals to perform their roles.

Answer: (a).To develop and maintain a set of software process assets such as process elements, life cycle models, and guidelines for tailoring a process model. Explanation:The organization process definition process area in the defined process level of CMM aims to develop and maintain a set of software process assets such as process elements, life cycle models, and guidelines for tailoring a process model. Each project uses a process built out of these process assets.

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Q. What is the main goal of the organizational process definition process area in the defined process level of CMM?

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