

Ram and Shyam have been asked to show that a certain problem Π is NP-complete. Ram shows a polynomial time reduction from the 3-SAT problem to Π, and Shyam shows a polynomial time reduction from Π to 3-SAT. Which of the following can be inferred from these reductions ?


Π is NP-hard but not NP-complete


Π is in NP, but is not NP-complete


Π is NP-complete


Π is neither NP-hard, nor in NP

Answer: (c).Π is NP-complete

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Q. Ram and Shyam have been asked to show that a certain problem Π is NP-complete. Ram shows a polynomial time reduction from the 3-SAT problem to Π, and Shyam shows a polynomial time...

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S --> aB S --> bA
B --> b A --> a
B --> bS A --> aS
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G = {S → SS, S → ab, S → ba, S → Ε}
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L1 = {a^m b^n a^n b^m ⎪ m, n ≥ 1}
L2 = {a^m b^n a^m b^n ⎪ m, n ≥ 1}
L3 = {a^m b^n ⎪ m = 2n + 1}

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(s, ϵ, Z0) → (f, ϵ)
(s, a, X) → (s, XXX)
(s, b, X) → (t, ϵ)
(t, b, X) → (t,.ϵ)
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(u, c, X) → (u, ϵ)
(u, ϵ, Z0) → (f, ϵ)

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C1: For DFA (ϕ, Ʃ, δ, qo, F),
if F = ϕ, then L = Ʃ*

C2: For NFA (ϕ, Ʃ, δ, qo, F),
if F = ϕ, then L = Ʃ*

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ϕ = Total states set

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