

DNS stands for _____________


Data Name System


Domain Name Server


Domain Name System


Domain’s Naming System

Answer: (c).Domain Name System

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Q. DNS stands for _____________

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Q. ______________ is a form of nasty online attack in which a user gets redirects queries to a DNS because of override of system’s TCP/IP settings.

Q. _____________ can be attained by the use of malware or by changing the server’s settings.

Q. There are _________ main types of DNS hijacking.

Q. DNS trojans are used for performing a type of DNS hijacking.

Q. The _______________ matches and maps to the user friendly domain name.

Q. Which of the following is not an example of DNS hijacking?

Q. A ______________ is essentially a text file residing on the server that hosts different domain containing entries for dissimilar resource records.

Q. ______________ which is also termed as DNS spoofing, is a kind of attack which uses DNS based vulnerabilities for diverting the traffic of the internet.

Q. DNS poisoning is very dangerous because it can extend its reach from one ___________ to another.

Q. A _________________ can be poisoned if it is having an erroneous entry where the invader gets to organize the DNS server & change different kinds of information on it.

Q. The ____________ Domain Name Server data will get spread to the ISPs & will be cached there.

Q. The user could be influenced by DNS hijacking if the government of that country uses DNS redirecting as a mechanism to mask censorship.

Q. Which of the following data is not appropriate here, if you delete cache, cookies, and browser history?

Q. ____________ are tiny files which get downloaded to your system when you visit a website.

Q. Browser ___________ are impermanent internet files which helps the browsers download web images, data & documents for rapid performance & viewing in the future.

Q. ___________ is just a group of data downloaded for helping in displaying a web page faster.

Q. Attackers could steal ___________ to achieve illegitimate accessing to online accounts & disturbs the personal information.

Q. Which of the following is not an example of browsing data?

Q. There are cookies that are designed to track your browsing habits & aim ads to you.