

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List – I List – II
(Articles of the Constitution) (Institutions)
(a) Article 280 (i) Administrative Tribunals
(b) Article 324 (ii) Election Commission of India
(c) Article 323 (iii) Finance Commission at Union level
(d) Article 315 (iv) Union Public Service Commission

Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


(iii) (ii) (i) (iv)


(ii) (iii) (iv) (i)


(ii) (iv) (iii) (i)

Answer: (b).(iii) (ii) (i) (iv)

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Q. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: List – I List – II (Articles of the...

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