An unambiguous grammar has same leftmost and rightmost derivation
An LL(1) parser is a top-down parser
LALR is more powerful than SLR
An ambiguous grammar can never be LR(k) for any k
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Q. Which of the following statements is false?
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List-I List-II
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S → F ⎪ H
F → p ⎪ c
H → d ⎪ c
Where S, F and H are non-terminal symbols, p, d and c are terminal symbols. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
S1: LL(1) can parse all strings that are generated using grammar G.
S2: LR(1) can parse all strings that are generated using grammar G.
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1. i = 1
2. j = 1
3. t1 = 5 * i
4. t2 = t1 + j
5. t3 = 4 * t2
6. t4 = t3
7. a[t4] = –1
8. j = j + 1
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10. i = i + 1
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(II) Total number of tokens in printf("i=%d, &i=%x", i, &i); are 11.
(III) Symbol table can be implementation by using array and hash table but not tree.
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T1: a?(b∣c)*a
T2: b?(a∣c)*b
T3: c?(b∣a)*c
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