
C Program to Find the Number of Nodes in a Binary Tree


C Program to Find the Number of Nodes in a Binary Tree

Problem Description

This C Program finds the number of nodes in a Binary tree.

C Program to Find the Number of Nodes in a Binary Tree - Source code
 * C Program to Find the Number of Nodes in a Binary Tree

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct bt_node
    int value;
    struct bt_node *l;
    struct bt_node *r;

typedef struct bt_node node;
node *ptr, *root = NULL;

void create_binary();
void pre_order(node *);
int count(node*);
node* add(int);

int  main()
    int c;

    c = count(root);
    printf("\nNumber of nodes in binary tree are:%d\n", c);

void create_binary()
    root = add(50);
    root->l = add(20);
    root->r = add(30);
    root->l->l = add(70);
    root->l->r = add(80);
    root->l->l->l = add(10);
    root->l->l->r = add(40);
    root->l->r->r = add(60);

/* Add the node to binary tree */
node* add(int val)
    ptr = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
    if (ptr == NULL)
        printf("Memory was not allocated");
    ptr->value = val;
    ptr->l = NULL;
    ptr->r = NULL;
    return ptr;

/* counting the number of nodes in a tree */
int count(node *n)
    int c = 1;

    if (n == NULL)
        return 0;
        c += count(n->l);
        c += count(n->r);
        return c;

/* Displaying the nodes of tree using preorder traversal*/
void pre_order(node *t)
    if (t != NULL)
        printf("%d->", t->value);


Program Output

Number of nodes in binary tree are:8